August 7, 2018
How to preserve water supplies on smallholdings
Ask the experts: during the hot weather, here’s how to preserve dwindling water supplies
August 7, 2018
Ask the experts: during the hot weather, here’s how to preserve dwindling water supplies
August 7, 2018
The long run of sunshine and dry days of summer 2018 is impacting smallholders and their livestock and crops
July 16, 2018
Recipe for success: Kim Stoddart looks at some of the best feed choices for laying hens
July 16, 2018
If you have to move your flock, Julie Moore has some practical advice
July 16, 2018
Is it normal for chickens to pant during hot weather?
July 16, 2018
When prevention is better than cure
July 16, 2018
The ebullient Rachel Misra runs a boarding service for chicken owners who jet off on holiday. Susie Kearley pays her a visit
July 9, 2018
Two places up for grabs (worth £190) on one of gardening writer Kim Stoddart’s popular courses
July 9, 2018
Debbie Kingsley outlines the rules and regulations for smallholdings. This month: medicine records and fallen stock
July 9, 2018
Tim Tyne investigates this age old dilemma
July 9, 2018
The countryside is not immune to crime - in fact, it’s increasing