October 1, 2022Animal & Plant Health Agency clarifies bird flu culling policy following ‘incorrect messages’by The Country Smallholder
September 29, 2022Avian Influenza Prevention Zones introduced in South West and East of Englandby The Country Smallholder
September 23, 2022Further cases of bird flu confirmed in North Yorkshire and West Suffolkby The Country Smallholder
September 20, 2022Avian influenza cases confirmed in Norfolk and West Suffolkby The Country Smallholder
September 1, 2022New guidance on mitigating the impact of avian influenza in wild birdsby The Country Smallholder
August 31, 2022UK’s top scientists join forces to battle bird flu outbreaksby The Country Smallholder
August 30, 2022Avian flu update: New cases in Devon, Cornwall and Yorkshireby The Country Smallholder