May 28, 2014
WIN this £395 Clever Coop!
Enter the great competition in our June issue
May 28, 2014
Enter the great competition in our June issue
May 21, 2014
Just copy Mother Hen, and you can’t go far wrong
May 20, 2014
Creating an environment that allows chickens to forage for food is more natural, stimulating and healthy, argues Kate Fox
May 19, 2014
A chicken has been filmed swimming across a pond...
May 16, 2014
Sometimes, a broody’s enthusiastic maternal instincts aren’t welcome
May 16, 2014
Julie Moore looks at how to manage a broody
May 14, 2014
The recent weather has been extreme but, as the Welsh coast was being demolished by waves and the rivers were flooding the fields, my chickens were playing children’s games.
May 14, 2014
My one or both of my French Wheaten Marans is laying a wind egg about every week. They haven’t come in to lay yet and I wasn’t expecting them to until later in the spring.…
May 14, 2014
Our latest gallery of your photos
May 14, 2014
Driving rain and high winds make for a stressful time for chicken keeper and chickens alike
May 14, 2014
The latest issue of Your Chickens is on sale in the shops and online