November 30, 2021
The chicken breed guide: Hamburgh
Will a Hamburgh chicken lay enough eggs? What sort of care do they require? Find everything you need to know about the Hamburgh breed here.
November 30, 2021
Will a Hamburgh chicken lay enough eggs? What sort of care do they require? Find everything you need to know about the Hamburgh breed here.
November 2, 2021
Wondering which chicken breed is right for you? Our chicken breed guide will help you decide! This time, we're looking at Campines, which are great egg layers.
November 24, 2020
Andy Cawthray advises on the best way to create a great chicken run, including advice on space, fencing, and semi-permanent set ups
November 17, 2020
Andy provides advice to ensure that your chicken coop is providing your chickens with everything they need, including advice on perches, nesting areas and chicken coop ventilation
June 7, 2019
Edward from Hentronix talks us through why an automatic door opener can keep your chickens safe in their coop – and make looking after your brood easier
May 30, 2019
Sex discrimination is rife in the chicken world. Andy Cawthray advises how to avoid buying a clutch of cockerels or breeding more males than you can cope with
May 30, 2019
New poultry diarist Julian, a self-confessed closet quiche maker, thinks he has solved the conundrum of eggy overload
May 30, 2019
Continuing his look at the history of the hen, Andy Cawthray delves into the roots of pure hen breeds in Mainland Europe
April 16, 2019
Itchy chickens? Grumpy birds? Issues with laying? Could your birds have Pesky Pests?
August 10, 2018
Electric fencing can provide valuable extra protection for your poultry
August 10, 2018
Coops across the land are set to become littered with feathers as chickens shed their overcoats. Julie Moore reveals how you can help your flock during this stressful period