March 8, 2018
Smallholders Show Guide 2018
The show season is underway, and there are hundreds of events to choose from that will interest the smallholder
March 8, 2018
The show season is underway, and there are hundreds of events to choose from that will interest the smallholder
February 7, 2018
Expert answers to your questions. This time, how to wean kids from the mothers
February 7, 2018
Extend your growing season, says Kim Stoddart
February 7, 2018
In her series for beginners, Debbie Kingsley considers whether you need any particular skills to be a smallholder
February 7, 2018
What exactly is a smallholder? Tim Tyne reflects on this perennial question in his new series on the more challenging aspects of ‘the good life’’
January 16, 2018
We have teamed up with Chuxaway to offer you the chance to win one of two automatic door openers worth £95
January 16, 2018
Homoeopathy can have remarkable success as a health treatment for chickens, says Julie Moore
January 15, 2018
Chickens just love their dustbaths. Suzie Baldwin reflects on a real ritual for hens …
January 15, 2018
Sarah McKenzie from Sussex Garden Poultry considers what birds are ideal for young or first time henkeepers
January 15, 2018
Everyone seems happy with some accommodation changes in Martin Gurdon’s garden
December 13, 2017
We have teamed up with Hentastic to offer five treat bundles each valued at more than £55