November 3, 2007
Anger at new bid to grow GM crops
November 2007: The only benefits GM crops have brought are to the biotech companies that own the patents and a few farmers growing them on an industrial scale, says Friends of the Earth.
November 3, 2007
November 2007: The only benefits GM crops have brought are to the biotech companies that own the patents and a few farmers growing them on an industrial scale, says Friends of the Earth.
November 2, 2007
November 2007: The Soil Association is calling on Defra to take the threat from a new type of antibiotic-resistant E.coli on British farms as seriously as it takes Foot and Mouth and Bluetongue.
November 2, 2007
November 2007: As climate change climbs to the top of the agenda, England’s forests and woodlands have a key role to play providing wood as an alternative and less polluting source of fuel and sustainable…
October 31, 2007
October 31: Google has launched the UK Carbon Footprint Project, allowing you to calculate your personal carbon footprint, choose carbon-reducing steps from a personalised action plan and compare your actions to those of others around…
August 28, 2006
With rodent numbers in the UK increasing dramatically each year, rodent control is becoming a major..