The Country Smallholder
The Country Smallholder is aimed at the ever-increasing UK audience interested in living a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable way of life. From people already living on a smallholding, to allotment owners; from those with a couple of acres of land, to those aspiring to get more out of their garden or even window box. With 73% of UK residents claiming to want to live more sustainably post Covid, The Country Smallholder has something for everyone.
July 20, 2023
Buy and sell the best at an NSA Ram Sale
by The Country Smallholder
July 19, 2023
Native breeds for modern needs
by The Country Smallholder
July 18, 2023
Free woodland advice for crofters and smallholders
by The Country Smallholder
July 17, 2023
What’s new at the 2023 Royal Welsh Show?
by The Country Smallholder
July 17, 2023
Building a better fruit cage
by The Country Smallholder
July 14, 2023
How to deal with egg eating within your flock
by The Country Smallholder
July 13, 2023
Bees’ Needs Week buzzes back for 2023
by The Country Smallholder
July 13, 2023
SCOPS webinars to provide real-world advice on checking if a worming treatment has been effective
by The Country Smallholder
July 12, 2023
Cost of Living Crisis: How we can grow back
by The Country Smallholder
July 12, 2023
Auctioneers Halls hosts Traditional, Native and Rare Breeds Show and Sale
by The Country Smallholder
July 11, 2023
Thirty years of counting sheep
by The Country Smallholder