June 6, 2011
What’s the difference between oyster shell grit and flint grit?
My feed shop sells both oyster shell grit and flint grit. What is the difference and which is the best for my chickens?
June 6, 2011
My feed shop sells both oyster shell grit and flint grit. What is the difference and which is the best for my chickens?
June 6, 2011
Can I feed just corn or wheat to my laying hens, as feed is getting very expensive?
June 6, 2011
Where is the best place to put our hens’ water drinker? We currently have both the feeder and drinker on the floor of the run, but, each morning our girls have moved it and the…
June 2, 2011
Liz Aitken wonders why she always seems to be outwitted by her hens
June 2, 2011
Beautiful Birds no. 18: The Barnevelder
June 2, 2011
If you want your chickens to enjoy free ranging around the garden they’ll need to be able to cope with the Great British weather! Here we pick some of the most robust birds for the…
April 20, 2011
I have four girls and was a complete novice when I got them last July. From about September, I noticed that three of them were beginning to become bald, firstly down the inside of the…
April 20, 2011
I have an average suburban garden – how many hens should I buy?
April 20, 2011
When choosing your chooks, their egg-laying prowess is a key consideration
April 11, 2011
What should you feed your chickens? Laurence Beeken explains
April 11, 2011
If you like stately homes as well as hens, here is just the place for you: Chatsworth House in Derbyshire. Grant Brereton paid a visit