April 25, 2014
Advice on keeping quail
My family and I wish to keep quail. We’ve got a rabbit hutch which fits over a one metre square run and wondered whether that would be suitable (after a thorough clean, disinfect and dry)…
April 25, 2014
My family and I wish to keep quail. We’ve got a rabbit hutch which fits over a one metre square run and wondered whether that would be suitable (after a thorough clean, disinfect and dry)…
April 25, 2014
The Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) frequently receives enquiries from small producers, and others who keep small numbers of birds, about humane slaughter methods and equipment available for emergency slaughter.
April 25, 2014
We acquired three Leghorns and three Warrens a couple of weeks ago and noticed yesterday that the gang leader, the older Leghorn, has a couple of bald patches on the back of her head. She’s…
April 25, 2014
Over the past six months my Silkies have had sporadic cases of neurological problems in some of the six to eight week old chicks. I have a new brooder unit but I am having problems…
April 25, 2014
I have a chicken run which isn’t very well drained. I’ve heard that bark chippings drain well but aren’t a good idea for poultry. I don’t understand why – can you enlighten me please?Sarah Blackdown,…
April 25, 2014
My chickens have an infestation of red mite and in their house, but I cannot seem to eradicate them. What course of action should I take now? And what I should apply to the chickens…
April 25, 2014
Q- I have two small (fullgrown) Polish, White crested black (Pricilla) and and a Pure White (Dotty). Although we love their eggs, they are really small. Is there a breed that will be happy to…
April 25, 2014
Q - I bought four Marans point of lay that have just started to lay. The eggs of certain birds have red blood spots all over them, and when you inspect the yolk it always…
April 25, 2014
Q- Why would hens open their eggs? I read that hens may open eggs they are sitting on for hatching before the due time. Why would they do this?Ellen Cooper, via email
April 25, 2014
A while ago, I purchased a young female Indian Runner and at around a year old she developed a prolapse. The whole experience was very distressing and eventually she passed away. I am very anxious…
April 25, 2014
You have previously mentioned putting cider vinegar in the water to keep down bacteria, but I’ve found that my galvanised drinkers are reacting to this. Is this harmful to the hens?John Lloyd, via email
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