While on holiday, my favourite girl, Coco, wasn’t eating properly, didn’t seem to want to come out of the coop and, when she did, just wandered around aimlessly. On my return, I went straight down the garden to see her, picked her up and cuddled her. I walked around with her in my arms for a while and, when I put her down, she went straight to the food and ate. Next morning, when I went to let the girls out and feed them, who was the first out of the coop – Coco! She has been absolutely fine ever since and comes to me every day and has her cuddle. Could she have missed me so much that she pined for me?

Julie Moore replies:

I think that Coco was pining for you. I, too, have a favourite hen who refused to leave the hen house when I was on holiday and left in the care of a friend. She loves my

company and often seeks me out.

Professional animal communicators are likely to translate this behaviour as showing anxiety because of your absence and not knowing if you would return. Coco is reciprocating your love and kindness.

From my experience and with the help of professional animal communicators, I believe that chickens are very sensitive and can communicate telepathically. As babies, we communicate telepathically until we learn to communicate verbally, so we are able to communicate with our hens if we are willing to re-learn the art of telepathy. There are many resources about animal communication if you would like to learn more about the subject.

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