November 21, 2008
UK now free from avian flu
NOVEMBER 21, 2008: Britain is now officialy free from avian flu, according to The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
November 21, 2008
NOVEMBER 21, 2008: Britain is now officialy free from avian flu, according to The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
November 16, 2008
NOVEMBER 16, 2008: The curvy cucumber and the knobbly carrot may have a new lease of lifewith an imminent decision to scrap EU laws banning imperfect-lookingfruit and vegetables.
November 15, 2008
NOVEMBER 15, 2008: Farmers’ hopes that a new TB Eradication Group might lead to a change of heart by the Government over badger culling appear to have been dashed.
November 14, 2008
NOVEMBER 14, 2008: There are increasing opportunities for farmers and smallholders to diversify into goat farming, it is claimed.
November 13, 2008
NOVEMBER 13, 2008: The credit crunch is leading to a price war over chickenand egg prices.
November 5, 2008
NOVEMBER 5, 2008: Angry beekeepers will march on DowningStreet this afternoon (Wednesday, November 5), to demand funding tohalt the rapid demise of the bee population.
November 5, 2008
NOVEMBER 5, 2008: Natural England has warned that it will do everything in its power to prosecute farmers who kill badgers illegally.
October 29, 2008
OCTOBER 29, 2008: There is a strong perception that rural affairs are being marginalised in DEFRA, according to a Parliamentary report.
October 28, 2008
OCTOBER 28, 2008: A new strain of bluetongue has been discovered in The Netherlands.
October 19, 2008
The credit crunch might have a silver lining in promoting the green agenda, commentators believe.
October 18, 2008
With a number of reported cases of infectious imported animals in the UK and more than 15,000 cases of BTV8 having been reported in France so far this year, the potentially devastating threat to UK…
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