March 28, 2014
From prison to pigs
JAN 21, 2014: Sometimes pigs can change your life beyond all recognition, as Liz Shankland discovered when she met an ex-con who turned her back on crime to become a pig breeder and an award-winning…
March 28, 2014
JAN 21, 2014: Sometimes pigs can change your life beyond all recognition, as Liz Shankland discovered when she met an ex-con who turned her back on crime to become a pig breeder and an award-winning…
March 28, 2014
More and more community groups are banding together to produce their own food. Here is a thriving group in west Yorkshire which shares the task of rearing pigs … and enjoying the meat. Marie-Claire Kidd…
March 28, 2014
Tim Tyne describes ways to take control of the breeding of sheep
March 28, 2014
MAY 07, 2013: Advice from Joanna Palmer, nutritionist for the Smallholder Range
March 28, 2014
Carol Harris on pig husbandry and Berkshires
March 28, 2014
Oxford Sandy & Black pigs are one of Tim Tyne's Best Breeds - and ideal for the smallholder
March 28, 2014
A look at the range of Compact tractors
March 28, 2014
Owning a pony can be a costly business. But there are ways to cut the costs and make riding an activity within the reach of us all, writes Wendy Findlay
March 28, 2014
Career smallholder Tim Tyne considers the merits of the Large White pig
March 28, 2014
What is EID and what does it mean for sheep farmers? PETER MORRIS, chief executive of the National Sheep Association, explains
March 28, 2014
Dec 11, 2013: Liz Shankland meets a pig keeper who has a variety of interesting breeds – as well as a whole host of other intriguing animals
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