Why have my new hybrids still not come into lay despite the fact that they are now 26 weeks and I have been waiting for the last four weeks? They are on layers pellets, have access to oystershell and grit and have been wormed.

Charlotte Popescu says:

I am afraid this can happen when hybrids mature and have to contend with the shortest days of the year at the same time. They really do need those extra hours of light to kick-start their system. If you were to use artificial light in their hutch, it would probably help but I am in favour of keeping things natural. Console yourself with the fact that the later they start to lay, the less worn out they will be and therefore may well lay for longer than hybrids who have started early. I have also noticed that hybrids who start later will lay normal sized eggs straightaway, rather than the small eggs that pullets can produce at the beginning of their egg-laying cycle.

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