August 31, 2011
Why do we have a pecking problem?
Ever since we’ve had our four girls we’ve had a problem with pecking. I’ve tried anti-pecking spray and we built them a bigger run. Lately, we’ve been letting them out into an enclosed area of…
August 31, 2011
Ever since we’ve had our four girls we’ve had a problem with pecking. I’ve tried anti-pecking spray and we built them a bigger run. Lately, we’ve been letting them out into an enclosed area of…
August 31, 2011
Despite reading books/magazines and asking online, I still am none the wiser about how to hold my hens! I lift them with a hand each side of their body, but cannot lift them and hold…
August 31, 2011
My neighbours say that my chickens will attract rats. What can I do to stop them? Paul Spencer, Newcastle
August 31, 2011
We have just got three hens, one of which has a bald bottom. Her vent has got pecked and bled, so we have put on some spray which has stopped the pecking, but where she…
August 17, 2011
Leafy veg can be good for you and your chickens, and so are ideal for a small garden
August 17, 2011
A family from Northamptonshire allow their hens into their house. The birds even seem to want to help the children with their homework!
August 17, 2011
More and more henkeepers are using electric fencing to surround their flock, which is not as shocking as you think
August 17, 2011
Hens are fascinating, as you have probably discovered, and a study of their behaviour reveals all kinds of differences in preferences and character
August 17, 2011
Can dogs and chickens co-exist? The answer is ‘maybe’
August 11, 2011
Pure Poultry, near Taunton in Somerset, offers a huge range to choose from – and you will be assured of sound advice too
July 16, 2011
What should you do with your hens when you go on holiday? Anne Perdeaux offers some suggestions