April 25, 2014
How long will battery hens live?
I am thinking of taking on some ex-battery hens. How old are they when they come out of the battery cages and how long will they live after that, on average? I would love to…
April 25, 2014
I am thinking of taking on some ex-battery hens. How old are they when they come out of the battery cages and how long will they live after that, on average? I would love to…
April 25, 2014
Q - One of my hens showed signs of what I thought was egg-binding. She spent a lot of time on the nest and, when outside, she sat with lowered tail and rear end yet…
April 25, 2014
Keeping chickens is often the first step on the road to ‘the good life’
April 25, 2014
I remember a case of a hen with watery green/white scouring for which you recommended an antibiotic,but I can’t find the back number. My hen is about three years old. She’s been a little scoury…
April 25, 2014
I have three hens which are in an ark attached to a pen which is 7’ 7”. The hens are let out every day and are in the pen/ark at night and the odd afternoon…
April 25, 2014
Q - We bought some Wyandotte bantams in early August last year at six-seven weeks old. We started them off on chick crumbs (they also have a source of grit), as that was what they had…
April 25, 2014
I wonder if you can help me please – I’ve three bantam chicks, living with their mother and two other hens in an Eglu. We leave out chick crumbs for the chicks and layers’ pellets…
April 25, 2014
I am writing to you in the hope that you can offer some advice about a two-year old Sussex Utility hen which appears to have developed a cyst. In September 2005, I noticed a small…
April 25, 2014
Why do all my hens try to crowd into one nest box even though I have provided four for my six hens? Keith Maslem, by email
April 15, 2014
The latest issue of Your Chickens is on sale in the shops today
April 14, 2014
The great Verm-x giveaway
The perfect Christmas gift for someone special, or as a treat for yourself! Plus receive a gardening bundle worth £25!