April 25, 2014
My Polands get pecked
Q- I have two small (fullgrown) Polish, White crested black (Pricilla) and and a Pure White (Dotty). Although we love their eggs, they are really small. Is there a breed that will be happy to…
April 25, 2014
Q- I have two small (fullgrown) Polish, White crested black (Pricilla) and and a Pure White (Dotty). Although we love their eggs, they are really small. Is there a breed that will be happy to…
April 25, 2014
Q - I bought four Marans point of lay that have just started to lay. The eggs of certain birds have red blood spots all over them, and when you inspect the yolk it always…
April 25, 2014
Q- Why would hens open their eggs? I read that hens may open eggs they are sitting on for hatching before the due time. Why would they do this?Ellen Cooper, via email
April 25, 2014
A while ago, I purchased a young female Indian Runner and at around a year old she developed a prolapse. The whole experience was very distressing and eventually she passed away. I am very anxious…
April 25, 2014
You have previously mentioned putting cider vinegar in the water to keep down bacteria, but I’ve found that my galvanised drinkers are reacting to this. Is this harmful to the hens?John Lloyd, via email
April 25, 2014
We have some free-range hens, but I am a bit confused about the difference between barn, perchery and deep litter systems. Are deep litter and perchery systems types of barn systems or are they different?
April 25, 2014
Q- I have been told a cockerel will make my hens happier and more productive, but my children love collecting eggs, and I’ve heard cockerels can be aggressive. Could a person actually be harmed by…
April 25, 2014
Q - I have six Call Ducks, two males and four females. I keep them in a large aviary with a pond. About three months ago one of the males started prolapsing his penis intermittently,…
April 25, 2014
Do you need a licence/permit to sell chicken eggs to local people?
April 25, 2014
Q- I have a lovely trio of Brahmas and one of the hens has started to lose a lot of feathers on her back. She is almost bare, and I am worried that she has…
April 25, 2014
I’ve just been told by my vet that one of my birds (now destroyed) had avian leukemia. Can anyone tell me if my other six birds are likely to contract this? I’ve just purchased three…