Common-sense measures which can be incorporated easily into your daily routine

Keep feed under cover to minimise wild bird attraction.Keep water fresh and free of droppings. Keep waterfowl and chickens separate. Control vermin.Isolate new stock for 2-3 weeks.Isolate birds after taking to an exhibition for 7 days.Change clothes and wash boots before and after visiting other breeders.Change your clothes and wash boots thoroughly before and after attending a sale.Keep fresh disinfectant at the entrance to poultry areas for dipping footwear.Disinfect crates before and after use, especially if lent to others. However, it is preferable not to share equipment in the first instance. Disinfect vehicles which have been on poultry premises, but avoid taking vehicles onto other premises.Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling poultry.Comply with all import and export regulations and guidelines.

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