We have teamed up with Verm-X to offer 30 vouchers for their products

We have teamed up with Verm-X to offer 30 vouchers for their products. Each winner will be given a code to select £10 worth of products on the Verm-X online shop.

Verm-X is a 100% natural formulation that helps maintain all areas of intestinal hygiene whilst being gentle on your animal’s gut and digestive system.

Verm-X was launched in the UK in 2002, and today can be found in 20 countries. “Our concern for the volume of chemicals in use in the day-to-day management of animals brought us to create our extensive range, in consultation with some of the most respected medical herbalists in the world,” said the company.

“We now have successful Verm-X formulations for the growing demand from equine enthusiasts, pet owners, smallholders and zoos, those dedicated people, like you, who choose to find time to take on the responsibility for raising valuable and productive pets and livestock, many of whom become special friends.

“Our main focus right now is to encourage the use of more natural products in pet care and animal husbandry. We believe this is a crucial part of improving animal welfare and tackling the rapidly growing issue of resistance to pharmaceutical wormers and antibiotics. For years, little action has been taken to reduce resistance problems which have been caused by the routine (and often unnecessary) use of many pharmaceutical drugs on animals.”

MORE: Find out more about Verm-X products at verm-x.com or call 01984 629125.


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