JANUARY 2008: A second series of thecontroversial show Kill It, Cook It, Eat It returns next week – thistime investigating the slaughter of young animals.
Veal, milk-fed lambs, kid goats and suckling pigs will featurein the BBC3 programme which aims to bring together two moments thepublic have separated – the death of young animals and the consumptionof their meat.
Each programme will examine the reactions and emotions of aninvited group of guests including meat lovers, farmers, vegetarians andrestaurateurs.
They will watch the young animals being butchered and cooked, before deciding whether to taste what they’ve seen slaughtered.
The first programme looks at suckling pigs. The audience willwatch the piglets being taken from their farm in North Yorkshire ateight weeks old, see the slaughter process in full and learn more aboutthe rearing of suckling pigs abroad.
They will also meet a Spanish restaurant owner who hasrecently started selling Spanish sergovia suckling pigs between two andthree weeks old.
Kill It, Cook It, Eat It asks how these animals are raised,where they come from, how they are killed and gutted, should taste takepriority over the welfare of the animal and, ultimately, how young istoo young when it comes to eating baby animals?
The first series of Kill it, Cook it, eat it was screened inMarch 2007 and was praised by the farming community for the positiveway it showed meat production.
However, the prospect of the second series has alarmed someproducers who feel that the focus on young animals is deliberatelyemotive, particularly when these production systems are not mainstream.
Kill it, Cook it, Eat it will be screened on 7 January at 10.30pm on BBC3.