March 6, 2013
Simple? Course it is ….
Mar 6, 2013: Plenty of advice in CS is aimed at the more experienced smallholder, but for the beginner it can be tricky working out what you want to do when you have never even…
March 6, 2013
Mar 6, 2013: Plenty of advice in CS is aimed at the more experienced smallholder, but for the beginner it can be tricky working out what you want to do when you have never even…
March 6, 2013
Just how easy is it to reduce your monthly pig feed bill? Liz Shankland looks at the options.
January 22, 2013
JAN 20, 2013: Vermin can be the bane of a smallholder’s life. Here is some advice on dealing with the problem from specialists PelGar International, from Hampshire
January 22, 2013
JAN 20, 2013: An imaginative and exciting scheme was launched to provide would-be smallholders with affordable land and low-impact dwellings. But then it was blocked by members of a council planning committee. The story highlights…
January 22, 2013
JAN 20, 2013: Adam Henson advises on getting to grips with being a smallholder
August 28, 2012
AUG 28, 2012: Many people can be lured into pig keeping when they are ill-prepared for it, as Liz Shankland explains
July 19, 2012
From robots milking cows to Eric the bull showing his best side the camera ... Abigail Price and photographer, Terry Ife spent the day at Cotswold Farm Park being shown around by the BBC Countryfile's…
July 18, 2012
Sept 18, 2012: TV presenter Kate Humble and her husband Ludo faced a huge challenge when they decided to buy a council farm near Monmouth. Now they are up and running – and they have…
February 14, 2012
Should you aim for a stockless or mixed smallholding? Alan Beat takes an objective look at the raising of livestock for meat
November 7, 2011
Poet and entertainer Pam Ayres has a secret passion … her smallholding. She likes nothing better than to unwind from her showbiz life with her poultry and animals. She talked to Country Smallholding editor Simon…
March 25, 2011
As smallholders, we work closely with nature. Nick Blewitt examines how we might strengthen this bond…