September 30, 2024Rural crime: what should you do if you see coursing, lamping or poaching in progress?by The Country Smallholder
September 27, 2024Avian influenza: mandatory bird registration comes into force in Octoberby The Country Smallholder
September 26, 2024Newark Vintage Tractor & Heritage Show 2024 marks 75 years of efficient John Deere diesel enginesby The Country Smallholder
September 23, 2024Gransden Show cancels cattle, sheep and goat classes due to bluetongue restrictionsby The Country Smallholder
September 22, 2024New measures introduced to tackle Bluetongue and protect farmers’ livelihoodsby The Country Smallholder
September 20, 2024Return of Oxford Farming Conference bursary scheme opens doors to future farming leadersby The Country Smallholder