There are plenty of options available when looking at poultry houses. Jim Vyse offers a robust duck house that’s easy to maintain,

Ducks are relatively easy to look after, but they do appreciate the provision of a cosy, dry house to winter in, so consider whether a Jim Vyse Standard Duck House should be on your ducks’ wish list this Christmas.

This robust duck house provides your waterfowl with a comfortable, spacious and attractive home. The large front door and ramp allows them to come and go easily and the carry handles make moving the duck house to greener pastures a quick and simple task.

The rear panel of the duck house is removable and the easy clean floor allows you to keep the house clean and fresh with very little effort.

Suitable for up to six birds, the house measures 4ft x 3ft x 3ft 6” high and has a large access door with sliding pop hole and ramp. A version suitable for geese is also available.

The use of tantalised timber and a shiplap roof in the construction of both the duck and goose houses make them attractive homes and ensures a long working life.

Things to consider:

• Is the house easily moveable?

• Does it provide good ventilation?

• It is quick to clean and simple to maintain?

• Does it provide a high standard of welfare? Consider space per duck/goose, nest boxes, doorways etc.

• Is it made of top quality materials – buy quality and you’ll only buy once!

MORE: If you’ve got a little more time to relax this festive season, catch up with Jim Vyse Arks Chicken Chat at: or go to for further information.

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