The Da Byw Conference is back! The event aims to inspire positive change in Welsh livestock farming. It’s also an opportunity for farmers to voice thoughts on the Welsh Government Sustainable Farming Scheme.

Organiser, Davina Fetherstonhaugh, says the conference is an opportunity to give politicians the help they need to achieve their goals. The announcement by the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change & Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies MS, of a new timeline for the scheme means the event is perfectly timed.

She adds: “Farming in Wales is in a precarious position, caused by pressures from financial, social and environmental factors.

“But it must be realised that farmers can make a positive difference, combating climate change, producing quality food, building healthy rural communities and allowing the urban population to enjoy and understand nature and rural cultures. However, to achieve this, farming as an industry needs to re-focus.

“Welsh Government has promised to support farmers on this journey with its Sustainable Farming Scheme. It is imperative that they get it right and it is farmers who are best placed to guide them.” 

The conference will take place at Coed Coch, near Abergele in North Wales, the home of Harry and Davina Fetherstonhaugh and their family. The first morning will involve presentations from three internationally renowned speakers.

Siobhan Griffin is a sheep and cattle farmer from New Zealand. She will explain how to make regenerative farming profitable. John Gilliland from Northen Ireland, a leading light in the sustainability movement, will discuss how to benchmark environmental impact. Heather Wildman from Scotland will present on how to effectively manage change on farms.

The afternoon will involve a series of workshops and demonstrations led by experts in their fields. Joel Williams will lead on on soil health assessment, James Daniel on grazing infrastructure, Rhys Owen on herbal leys and Rhys Williams on stockpiling and bale grazing.

To round off the afternoon, the Rt. Hon. Amber Rudd will lead a panel discussion with the major policy makers in Wales. This is where farmers can make their own contribution to the discussion and hear how Government, the unions and NGOs want to help farm businesses to adapt.

Saturday morning will involve a farm walk at Coed Coch.  It will be attended by all speakers and other contributors. They will be showing and talking about how to implicate all that has been heard the previous day.

Lunch on Friday and breakfast on Saturday is included in the ticket price. There will also be a fully stocked bar and some excellent live music on Friday evening to encourage all kinds of chat.

Full details at:

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