
July 20, 2023

Buy and sell the best at an NSA Ram Sale

Buy and sell the best at an NSA Ram Sale

Sheep farmers looking to add to their flocks this coming breeding season can have a choice from the very best quality inspected stock, as the National Sheep Association (NSA) Ram Sales return at six locations across England and Wales this August and September.

NSA ram sales are recognised throughout the industry as well-respected multi-breed sales offering rams that have all been individually inspected for health and quality by experienced NSA inspectors and vets before entering the sale ring.

By bringing together a large number of breeds and vendors each ram sale provides purchasers with the convenience of access to sheep reared from different UK environments to fit all market specifications. Some stock is sold at NSA Ram Sales as part of official breed society sales.

More than 7000 sheep are expected to be sold through NSA ram sales this year, demonstrating their importance to the UK sheep sector.

NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker says: “NSA is proud to have built a good reputation for offering reliable breeding stock through its network of NSA Ram Sales. The purchasing of stock ahead of the breeding season each year is an incredibly important task, it is, therefore, essential that NSA continues to organise sales to assist with this, providing choice, value and quality for the UK’s sheep farmers.”

NSA Ram sales will take place in 2023 at:

  • NSA Wales & Border Early Ram Sale, Monday 7th August, Royal Welsh Showground
  • NSA South West Ram Sale, Wednesday 16th August, Exeter Livestock Centre
  • NSA Eastern Region Rugby Ram Sale, Friday 25th August, Rugby Farmers Mart
  • Thame Farmers Market breeding ewe sale incorporating the NSA South East Ram Sale, Friday 1st September, Thame Farmers Market
  • Melton Midlands Sheep Fair incorporating the NSA Eastern Region Ram Sale, Friday 15th September, Melton Mowbray Market
  • NSA Wales & Border Main Ram Sale, Monday 18th September, Royal Welsh Showground

Entries for several ram sales are still open for NSA members wishing to enter their stock this year. Online booking forms and sale catalogues once available can be found at More information about NSA membership can be found on the NSA website including a list of the many benefits an NSA subscription can deliver.

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by The Country Smallholder

The Country Smallholder is aimed at the ever-increasing UK audience interested in living a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable way of life. From people already living on a smallholding, to allotment owners; from those with a couple of acres of land, to those aspiring to get more out of their garden or even window box. With 73% of UK residents claiming to want to live more sustainably post Covid, The Country Smallholder has something for everyone.

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