Solid and dependable – a Stables hen house

With the onset of winter, the need for robust housing for your poultry is ever more apparent. At The Stables Workshop we pride ourselves on the superior quality of our individually, hand made, traditionally styled houses. Nothing is taken for granted and no corners are cut. All our houses large and small get the same treatment and are made from the same top quality red pine and heavyweight galvanised fittings – all screws, no nails, anywhere! We don’t do ‘flat packs’. Every house is finished in our workshop on the farm. With wet winter weather, wheels, two or four, can be a Godsend. Choose this option to effortlessly move your house just a few feet now and then to give your birds a clean doorstep every day. For that weekend lie-in, an automatic opener is a luxury worth considering. But neither of these things are as important as thoroughly well made, solid, timber housing, with hinged, not ‘lift off’ panels for easy access to clean. Choosing the right house is the key to peace of mind in the knowledge that your birds are safe and snug in a house that will protect them from the worst winter and predators can do for many, many, years to come.

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