Edward Aldworth of Aldworth Countryside Services gives some reasons why you do!
Why not an ATV? Why not a small pickup?… A UTV is in fact your best friend when it comes to access, practicality and safety. I believe it is far superior to any other machine close to it.
I run Aldworth Countryside Services, based in Mid Devon covering the South West of the UK, and specialise in John Deere Gators and UTVs, sales, service and repairs.
I see all aspects of different people who own UTVs, how much they pay, what they are actually doing with them, how long they last and how much they sell them on for. I am passionate about what I do and although I maybe slightly biased to John Deere’s UTV range, I believe if a UTV suits your needs and works for you – stick with it!
In my experience I find it’s not so much what the machine is or looks like, it’s the backup support and availability of parts that steers people to buy what they do as they are so heavily relied upon!
Although they may seem a very simple and disregarded machine – when I arrive to a UTV that is not useable, I can usually feel eyes burning into the back of my head. They need that machine back in operation ASAP!!!!
UTVs provide access to difficult terrain to feed livestock/maintain land or fencing/asses or survey the landscape. They offer extremely easy access in and out of these machines, as opposed to trying to throw your leg over an ATV or having to scramble up into a pickup.
I have dealt with several machines modified to suit different disabilities and let me tell you, there is no way they would be without that machine. Maybe it’s just small things to make life that little bit easier. Running general errands such as running the bins out down the drive, tending to general house maintenance or hauling those dreaded lawn clippings to a compost heap. These machines are second to none when it comes to conservation, all year they roam the woodland helping with everything from tree planting to coppicing, surveying wildlife to showing visitors the project. There is a huge range of equipment and attachments you can utilise your UTV with. Such as sprayers, weed wipers, flail toppers, seed applicators…The list goes on.
To be honest the list is almost endless as to why you could ever possibly need a UTV….. simplicity defined to comfort with extremely easy operation that’s agile, nimble and can safely take you pretty much anywhere you want to go (within reason)!
They provide the user with extremely good safety aspects all round – you have seatbelts installed much similar to a car, a roof over your head also acting as a roll cage, safety nets or hard doors either side of you. There is no comparison to safety when you park one of these next to an ATV.
UTVs become part of your working and leisure family, allowing you to do practical tasks but also giving enjoyment in their agility. Go on, you know you need one!
This article first appeared in the March 2025 edition of The Country Smallholder magazine.