OCTOBER 16, 2009: An Exeter-based charity has an organic seed bank, with the seeds available on a ‘bring and swap’ basis.
The charity, Book-Cycle, also collects unwanted books, and, in line with its ethos of sustainability, plans to use pony power to transport them around the city. The charity has ‘free’ bookshops, where visitors are invited to choose up to three books per day, and pay as much or as little as they wish. After minimal running costs, half the proceeds are used to plant trees in the UK, and the other half is used to send donated books and other educational material to developing countries. A series of events is planned in Exeter, where Simon Mullholland and a pony called Obama will demonstrate the saddlechariot – their vehicle of choice. Simon and Obama will then trek from Exeter to London to promote Book-Cycle. MORE:www.book-cycle.org/