APRIL 10, 2008: Defra and the Welsh Assembly Government has launcheda joint consultation on a strategy to improve and protect honey beehealth.
The strategy seeks to address the challenges facingbeekeepers given their important role as custodians of honey bees. Itsets out a plan for the future direction of work aimed at sustainingthe health of honey bees and beekeeping in England and Wales for thenext decade. It recognises the important roles of various stakeholdersin implementing the strategy – Government, individual beekeepers, theirassociations and others, such as honey importers.
Minister for Sustainable Food and Farming and Animal Health, Jeff Rooker said:“Honey bees are facing serious threats from a growingnumber of pests and diseases. It is vital that we do all we can torespond effectively to these threats and to sustain honey bees andbeekeeping for today and for future generations.
“The strategy provides direction and focus forGovernment, beekeepers and other stakeholders working together over thenext decade on sustaining honey bees. We are grateful for theconstructive engagement with beekeeping associations over recent monthsto develop the strategy. Once the final strategy is published afterconsultation, we will need to work with the associations on a suitableimplementation plan.”
The consultation will run until August 29, 2008.