Nationally there are somewhere in the region of 300,000 current plot-holders, compared with a 1943 all-time high of 1,400,000, all resolved to dig, rather than bomb, Adolph Hitler into submission.
Nationally there are somewhere in the region of 300,000 current plot-holders, compared with a 1943 all-time high of 1,400,000, all resolved to dig, rather than bomb, Adolph Hitler into submission.
For the record a standard allotment measures 325 sq yards; 10 perch in old money.
1). The Small Holdings and Allotments Act of 1908, section 23, states that ‘if… there is a demand for allotments… the council shall provide a sufficient number of allotments to persons…resident in the borough district or parish and desiring the same’. In determining demand an authority must take into consideration a representation in writing by any six registered parliamentary electors or ratepayers’.
You can get the whole story in turgid ‘ministry-speak’ at:
Or a reader-friendly version at:
Lastly, check out: National Society of Allotment & Leisure Gardener Ltd at