APRIL 7, 2014: The Soil Association is appealing for backing in its campaign to save our seeds.

The European Commission has proposed a new set of laws regulating their use. The Soil Association says: “These could put small seed companies out of business, and limit the variety of vegetables, fruit and other plants we grow, eat and enjoy. We have been fighting to stop the proposed regulation as it is misguided, and will endanger the future resilience, sustainability and security of our food supplies if it goes ahead.” MEPs recently voted to reject the regulations, but an amended version may be presented this summer. Soil Association President Monty Don said: “In the EU just five companies control a staggering 95% of our seed, including Monsanto and Syngenta. A wide variety of seeds is vital to ensure that we are able to adapt as our climate changes.” MORE: www.soilassociation.org/saveourseeds MORE: See the feature Sow those seeds on page 34 in our May issue, on sale on Thurs, April 10.

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