
October 31, 2022

Bird flu: mandatory housing measures to be enforced across England

Bird flu: mandatory housing measures to be enforced across England

Housing measures to protect poultry and captive birds from avian influenza, also known as bird flu, are being extended and will be in force across England from 00:01 on Monday 7 November 2022.

This means that, from this time, it will be a mandatory requirement for all bird keepers across England to keep their birds housed and to follow strict biosecurity measures, in order to limit the spread and to eradicate the disease.

The addition of housing measures to the AIPZ already in force across England means all bird keepers across England must:

  • house or net all poultry and captive birds
  • cleanse and disinfect clothing, footwear, equipment and vehicles before and after contact with poultry and captive birds – if practical, use disposable protective clothing
  • reduce the movement of people, vehicles or equipment to and from areas where poultry and captive birds are kept, to minimise contamination from manure, slurry and other products, and use effective vermin control
  • keep records of mortality, movement of poultry and poultry products and any changes in production
  • thoroughly cleanse and disinfect housing on a continuous basis
  • keep fresh disinfectant at the right concentration at all farm and poultry housing entry and exit points
  • minimise direct and indirect contact between poultry and captive birds and wild birds, including making sure all feed and water is not accessible to wild birds
  • prevent access by poultry to ponds and watercourses and ensure that birds are kept in fenced or enclosed areas

More information is available on GOV.​UK at:

Definitive requirements are set out in the published declarations for each disease control zone currently in force. More information is available on GOV.​UK:

You can also check if specific areas are in a zone by using Defra’s interactive map.

More news like this can be found in The Country Smallholder magazine. Subscribe here.

See the latest bird flu news from The Country Smallholder here.

by The Country Smallholder

The Country Smallholder is aimed at the ever-increasing UK audience interested in living a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable way of life. From people already living on a smallholding, to allotment owners; from those with a couple of acres of land, to those aspiring to get more out of their garden or even window box. With 73% of UK residents claiming to want to live more sustainably post Covid, The Country Smallholder has something for everyone.

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