Q – I have two young daughters, Jamie, 5, and Cameron, 2, and they are crazy about animals. We have a black Labrador and a pony, but I think it’s time for some chickens for the garden. What would be a good breed for us? Sarah, by telephone

Pammy Riggs agreed to accompany Sarah and her children to  a breeder to advise them on what to buy. She says:  After much deliberation and a trip together round a  breeder’s many different chickens, we came to the conclusion that these sweet little Pekin bantams fitted the bill  exactly. They are light on the ground, so the newly planted  lawn won’t be ruined immediately and, as you can  see from  the photo above, in no time at all these three little females  were eating out of our hands. The children are gentle with  them and the black Lab takes it all in his stride. A perfect combination!

Send your poultry queries to: pammy.riggs@tiscali.co.uk

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